About Me


My name is Melissa and I help passionate, creative people find balance and get unstuck.

When you work with me you get a dedicated thought partner ready to call you on your BS, hype up your successes, and celebrate all that is unique and wonderful about you- even when you're having a little trouble seeing it for yourself.

I'm a married cat mom in Northern Virginia with ADHD proud to support a diverse array of neurodiverse individuals, LGBTQIA folks, members of alternative lifestyles, believers and non-believers of many faiths, people from all backgrounds, and everyone else who just needs someone in their corner.

Why Diverge

When I was selecting a name for my business I thought carefully about what reflected who I am and what I do.

I selected Diverge Coaching as a reflection of my work with neurodiverse individuals and my love of becoming a “thinking partner” for those faced with big choices or situations. “The Road Not Taken” is arguably one of Robert Frost’s most famous poems and possibly one of the most recognized poems in general. It begins “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” and is often quoted in speeches and talks meant to inspire audiences to think differently- to take “the road less traveled by.” I had the experience once to spend several hours learning an absolutely gorgeous choral audition piece that focused on a different section of the poem, if it moves you, you might listen to the song while reading the rest of this article. 

Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood

  “And both that morning equally lay,

 in leaves no step had trodden black. 

Oh, I kept the first for another day! 

Yet knowing how way leads on to way, 

I doubted if I should ever come back”


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” that -upon further inspection- are both worn equally- “both that morning equally lay.” Neither is actually less traveled by.

So how does “taking the road less traveled by” really make “all the difference?” Because it isn’t a decision that can be repeated. We will never have that exact opportunity in that exact moment again when we choose a direction in life. Even if we happen upon that road again- it will have changed, we will have changed. The decision between two equal choices is one of the most challenging choices we can face- we don’t have enough evidence to choose a path, and we can’t see into the future to know what lies beyond the next bend.

This is an opportunity where working with a coach can be instrumental.

A coach serves as a thinking partner who can help determine what might be beyond the next bend, weighing out the potential results of taking a new job, of making that big change you’ve wanted to make, of moving across the country, or of changing your business strategy.

When paths diverge in front of you- thinking through the options with someone dedicated to your growth is vital- and is where Diverge Coaching supports you the most.

For me, diverge has another meaning. It also indicates my passion for working with neurodivergent individuals- people with ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, and more who bring so much variety and uniqueness to everything they do. I am a neurodiverse individual myself, and helping others bring forward their gifts and work through growth areas is something I would describe as a calling. So often, individuals with neurodiversity have tremendous strengths and assets they bring to everything they do, and with the right accommodations or collaborations, achieve amazing things- and I support them in identifying and establishing those needs.

If you’d like to work on your own divergences- whether it’s a neurodivergence or a path divergence, use the form below to request an introductory call. 

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